EDITECNIA: Execution of Technological Installations, automation, telecommunications networks, energy audits and consulting.
Editecnia Ejecución de Instalaciones Tecnológicas

LYNKA receives the "Young Enterprise Award" on the "X night of the telecommunications"

The event was held on Friday the 13th of April and took place in the beautiful "Parador Nacional de Golf" in Guadalmar, Malaga. The event attracted many prominent figures in politics, society and the telecommunications sector from eastern Andalusia and Melilla. Some of the visitants where: D. Francisco de la Torre Prados, Mayor of Malaga; Dña. Marta Rueda, Provincial Delegate of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Government of Andalusia; Dña. Raquel Barco Moreno, Vice Chancellor of Campus and Sustainability; D. Jose Luis Casado Moreno, Dean of COIT-AORM; D. Antonio Puerta Notario, Director of the ETSIT Malaga; D. Felipe Romera, Director of the Technological Park of Andalusia (PTA); D. José Prado Seseña, President of the Builders and Developers Association in Malaga.

D. Fernando Marín, the Business Development Manager of LYNKA, dedicated the award to the Promoter of the “Night of the Telecommunications” and, especially, to the Technological Park of Andalusia represented by its President, D. Felipe Romera, who was in charge of presenting the Young Enterprise Award and who had both loving and moving things to say about our organization.

In his speech, Fernando Marín recalled the great progress that LYNKA has made since its foundation 8 years ago, quote: "the one thing that has not changed since the inception of the company is our ambition, our desire to work and our hope "and he finished his speech saying "it is the recognitions of this type that help us to maintain our principles and convictions".

From Left to Right. D. Alejandro García, Technical Director of GROUPO LYNKA; D. Francisco de la Torre, Mayor of Malaga; D. José María Perez, Head of ICT of GROUPO LYNKA; D. José Prado, President of the Builders and Developers Association in Malaga and D. Fernando Marín, Business Development Manager of GRUPO LYNKA.

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